like-all.pngHow many times have you listened to a pupil who cannot form a sentence in English without the word “like” appearing multiple times? You put like six times by the  like……..” and by the end of the sentence you have heard the word “like” so many times the sentence has become gobbledee gook!

I experimented with a very bright year 7 girl, who has a lot to say for herself and I am sure much of it is worthwhile!  However, I have no idea because she says “like” every other word. I made a deal with her, or in teacher language a “target”. She had a week to stop using the word “like”. Could she do it and was she up for the challenge. She was and she did it. I now have a year 7 pupil who can eloquently explain about bombing in Paris or the present tense without an over reliance on the word “like”.


I think we need to ban the word “like”, gently and with positive encouragement!  Are you up to the challenge? How long would it take or the TGES to be “like” free if we all worked together?


Some interesting ideas on how to model language for our pupils. Modelling good speech